Install F# On Windows and Mac OS

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to install F# on your Windows or Mac computer.

As a functional programming language developed by Microsoft, F# has been designed to allow developers to write code that is concise, effective, and expressive. The first step to getting started with F# is setting up your development environment.

Here, we will show you step by step how to set up an F# development environment on your Windows machine and how to get started with it.

Install F# on Windows

Step 1: Download the F# Compiler

The first step to install F# on your Windows computer is to download the F# compiler.

You can download the latest version of the F# compiler from the official website.

Step 2: Install F# Compiler

Once the download is complete, you will need to run the installer.

Follow the installation wizard and select the installation directory for the F# compiler.

The default installation directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#.

Step 3: Verify the Installation

After the installation is complete, you will need to verify that F# has been installed correctly.

Open a command prompt and type the following command:


If F# has been installed correctly, you should see the F# compiler version number displayed in the command prompt.

Install F# on Mac

Step 1: Install Homebrew

The first step to install F# on your Mac computer is to install Homebrew.

Homebrew is a package manager that makes it easy to install software on your Mac.

Open the Terminal app on your Mac and type the following command to install Homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2: Install the F# Compiler

Once Homebrew is installed, you can use it to install the F# compiler.

Open the Terminal app on your Mac and type the following command:

brew install fsharp

Step 3: Verify the Installation

After the installation is complete, you will need to verify that F# has been installed correctly.

Open the Terminal app on your Mac and type the following command:

Note: If F# has been installed correctly, you should see the F# interactive console displayed in the Terminal app.

Integrated Development Environment(IDE) for F#

Before we dive into writing our first F# program, we need to make sure that our environment is set up correctly. We will need a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) to write our F# code.

Visual Studio Code, JetBrains Rider, and Visual Studio are some popular IDEs for F# development.

On the official website of Microsoft, there is a free download available for Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition. With Visual Studio Community 2013 and above, you will be able to use Visual F# Tools.

Detailed instructions on how to install can be found in the Fsharp official Tutorial page.

There are many types of F# programs that can be written using these tools, which include simple command-line programs, as well as more complex forms of programs.

There is also the option of using a basic text editor, such as Notepad, to write F# source code files after which you can compile them to assemblies using a command-line compiler.

In order to download it, you will need to have Microsoft Visual Studio installed on your computer. When you download it to your computer, it will automatically install it for you.

Writing F# Programs

Now that we have set up our environment let’s write our first F# program. In F#, we can write code in two ways: as a script or as a module.

Writing an F# Script

An F# script is a file that contains a series of F# commands that can be executed. To create an F# script, follow these steps:

  • Open your IDE and create a new file with the .fsx extension.
  • Type the following code in the file:
printfn "Hello, F# Developer's!"
  • Save the file.

To execute the script, open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where the script is saved, and run the following command:

dotnet fsi script.fsx

This will execute the script, and you should see “Hello, F# Developer’s!” printed to the console.

Writing an F# Module

An F# module is a file that contains a set of functions and types.

To create an F# module, follow these steps:

  • Open your IDE and create a new file with the .fs extension.
  • Type the following code in the file:
module Hellodev

let hello() =
printfn "Hello, F# Developer's!"
  • Save the file.

To execute the module, you will need to create another file that references the module. Follow these steps:

  • Create a new file with the .fsx extension.
  • Type the following code in the file:
#r "module.dll"
open Hellodev

  • Save the file.

In above code, we are referencing the module.dll file that was generated when we compiled our F# module.

We then open the module and call the hello function.

To compile the module, open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where the module is saved, and run the following command:

dotnet fsc module.fs

This will compile the module and generate a module.dll file that we can reference in our script.

writing your first F# program is a simple process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to create an F# script or module and execute it.

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