LinkedList In Java

The topic of today’s discussion is Java Linkedlist with examples in order to satisfy educational requirements. Java LinkedLists are part of the Collection framework in the java.util package.

There are two parts to this class, the data part and the address part. The data part is stored in contiguous areas and the address part is stored in separate objects with the data.

Java LinkedList Key Points

  1. There are three types of LinkedLists in Java: lists, stacks, and queues.
  2. The Java LinkedList class maintains the order of insertion.
  3. The LinkedList class in Java can contain duplicate elements.
  4. As LinkedLists do not require shifting, manipulation is fast.
  5. LinkedLists in Java are not synchronized.

Java LinkedList

The ArrayList class was discussed in the previous chapter. There are almost no differences between the LinkedList and the ArrayList classes.

Here an example of LinkList is provided:


import java.util.LinkedList; // The class of LinkedList is being imported from the java.util package public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {LinkedList mlb_Teams= new LinkedList();mlb_Teams.add("Atlanta Braves"); mlb_Teams.add( "Miami Marlins"); mlb_Teams.add("New York Mets"); mlb_Teams.add( "Philadelphia Phillies"); mlb_Teams.add( "Washington Nationals"); mlb_Teams.add("Chicago Cubs");System.out.println(mlb_Teams);} }

The given examples shows the List of Countries:


import java.util.LinkedList; // The class of LinkedList is being imported from the java.util package public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {LinkedList countries_list= new LinkedList();countries_list.add("United Kingdom"); countries_list.add("United States of America"); countries_list.add("China"); countries_list.add("Australia"); countries_list.add("New Zealand"); countries_list.add("Canada");System.out.println(countries_list);} }

Java LinkedList examples

LinkedList Vs ArrayList

Java LinkedList class can be regarded as a collection of similar objects, just as the ArrayList class is.

Both LinkedList and ArrayList implement the List interface, so they both have the same methods.

Java LinkedList supports adding, changing, removing, and clearing items in the same way.

Both the ArrayList and LinkedList classes have the same functionality, but they are created distinctly.

Working with an Arraylist

A regular array is contained within the ArrayList class.

A new element is added to the array every time it is added.

To replace an array that is not sufficient enough to store data, a new, larger array is created and as a result the previous array is discarded.

Working with LinkedList

Containers are used by the Linked List to store its items.

There is a link between the List and the first container and every container has a link to the next container.

Adding an element to the list requires putting it into a new container and linking that container to another container.

When To Use Arraylist

ArrayLists are ideal when:

  • You have frequent access to random items.
  • Adding or removing elements only needs to be done at the end

When To Use LinkedList

A LinkedList is an appropriate choice when:

  • Instead of accessing random items, you can loop through the list.
  • A list’s components are frequently inserted and removed at the start, middle, and end of the list.

LinkedList Methods

The ArrayList is frequently more effective because it is commonly used when it comes to access random list elements, however the Java LinkedList provides several methods to do some actions more productively:

MethodOverviewTry it
addFirst()An element is inserted at the start of the list.Execute
addLast()An element is inserted at the tail of the linkedlist.Execute
removeFirst()The element at the start of the list is eliminated.Execute
removeLast()The element is cleared from the tail of the Linked List.Execute
getFirst()Returns the first element of the Linked List.Execute
getLast()Get the item at the end of the list.Execute

Java LinkedLists Benefits

Improved Memory Use:
Compared to arrays, linked lists are more effective at allocating memory.

A linked list can grow or shrink in size while the programme runs because, unlike arrays, its size is not fixed.

Rapid Insertion and Removal Time:
Similarly, as the items are linked in form of containers, it is easier to remove or add the elements without traversing through the whole Linked List. Whereas on the contrary, in an array we have to go through all the elements of the array while performing any operation on it.

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