PHP array_change_key_case() Function

In this article we will explore func array change key case, it’s function and its usage. If you are working with PHP, you may come across a situation where you need to modify the keys of an array. One of the useful functions for this purpose is func array change key case().

There is a very useful function in PHP, func array change key case(), for manipulating arrays. With this feature, all keys in an array can either be changed to uppercase or lowercase or left as they are and can be left unchanged.

What is array_change_key_case function in PHP?

func array change key case() is a PHP built-in function that changes the case of all keys in an array. It takes two parameters: the first one is the input array, and the second one is the case mode. The case mode parameter is optional and can be either CASE_LOWER or CASE_UPPER. By default, it is set to CASE_LOWER.


array_change_key_case(array, case)

The function takes two parameters:

  1. $array (required): This parameter specifies the input array whose keys you want to change the case of.
  2. $case (optional): This parameter determines the case conversion mode. It can take one of two predefined constants: CASE_LOWER (default) to convert keys to lowercase, or CASE_UPPER to convert keys to uppercase.

How does it work?

When you pass an array to func array change key case(), it iterates through all the keys and changes their case based on the mode you specify. If the mode is CASE_LOWER, it will convert all keys to lowercase. If the mode is CASE_UPPER, it will convert all keys to uppercase.

It is particularly useful to use this function when you are working with arrays that have keys in different cases or when you are attempting to standardize the case of all keys within an array.

An array of keys should be changed to uppercase in the following way:


<?php $user_info = array( "FirstName"=>"Mark", "LastName"=>"Zuckerberg", "Age"=>38, "Gender"=>"M", ); print_r(array_change_key_case($user_info,CASE_UPPER)); ?>

The func array change key case() function is useful when you need to change the case of all keys in an array. For example, suppose you have an array with keys in mixed case. In that case, you can use func array change key case() to convert all keys to lowercase or uppercase, making them consistent.

An array of keys should be changed to lowercase in the following way:


<?php $user_info = array( "FirstName"=>"Mark", "LastName"=>"Zuckerberg", "Age"=>38, "Gender"=>"M", ); print_r(array_change_key_case($user_info,CASE_LOWER)); ?>

Whenever two or more keys are equal (for example, “b” and “B”), the latest array will override the older array. This can be seen as follows:


<?php $names = array("a"=>"John","B"=>"Denis","c"=>"Jennifer","b"=>"Adam"); print_r(array_change_key_case($names,CASE_UPPER)); ?>

Example Explanation

In this code example, we are using PHP to change the case of the keys in an associative array.

First, we define an array $names which contains four key-value pairs. The keys are in mixed case, and the values are strings representing names.

To change the case of the keys in the array, we use the built-in PHP function array_change_key_case(). We pass the $names array as the first argument, and the constant CASE_UPPER as the second argument to indicate that we want to change the keys to uppercase.

The function returns a new array with the same values as the original array, but with the keys converted to uppercase. We then use the print_r() function to print out the contents of the new array.


The func array change key case() function is a useful PHP built-in function that allows you to change the case of all keys in an array.

It is helpful when you need to make all keys consistent in your array. Remember to specify the mode parameter to CASE_LOWER or CASE_UPPER depending on your requirements.

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