Understanding PHP Array Functions

Throughout this article, you will explore a number of popular PHP array functions that you can use to make working with arrays more easy, effective, and efficient.

The set of functions in this section can be used by you to sort arrays, search for values, add or remove array elements, merge arrays, as well as many other things.

Whether you are a seasoned PHP developer or just starting out with arrays, we will give you a thorough overview of all useful array functions in PHP, no matter whether you are a newbie or an experienced PHP developer.

As a PHP developer, you know that arrays are one of the most important and versatile data structures in the language, which is why they are one of the most popular data structures in PHP.

Using a variable, you are able to keep multiple values of different types within it and manipulate them as needed.

PHP Array Introduction

Welcome to the world of PHP arrays! As you start your journey, you’ll find that arrays are an essential data structure in PHP, allowing you to store and manipulate a collection of values in a single variable. An array is like a list of items, where each item has an index that helps you access it easily. You can create arrays with a fixed number of items or allow them to grow dynamically as you add new elements.

One of the most powerful features of PHP arrays is that they can store different types of values, including strings, numbers, and even other arrays. You can use arrays to organize and group related data, such as customer information, product details, or user preferences.

In PHP, arrays are also incredibly flexible, allowing you to perform a wide range of operations on them, such as sorting, searching, merging, and filtering. You can use loops to iterate over array elements, extract specific values, or modify their content.

There are a number of array functions that can be used to access and manipulate arrays. It also supports simple and multidimensional arrays.

PHP Array Functions

array()This function creates an array of data
array_change_key_case()An array of keys is changed to lower case or upper case by using this function
array_chunk()Creates chunks of an array based on the value in the array
array_column()This function returns the values of one column from the input array in the form of a string
array_combine()Use both an array of “keys” and an array of “values” to create an array from the elements of both arrays
array_count_values()An array of values is counted by counting each value in the array
array_diff()This function compares arrays of values (regardless of the range of values they contain) and returns the differences between them.
array_diff_assoc()This function compares arrays, and returns the difference between the keys and values of the arrays.
array_diff_key()This function returns comparing arrays, and returning the differences between them (comparison only of the keys).
array_diff_uassoc()This function compares two arrays and returns the difference between them (the keys and values are compared, using a user-defined function for comparing keys)
array_diff_ukey()This function compares arrays and returns the differences between them (comparing keys only, using a user-definable key comparison function)
array_fill()This function fills an array with values specifying the keys that should be filled with the values array_fill_keys()…
array_fill_keys()The function returns values by specifying a key.
array_filter()This function returns an array of values that is filtered using a callback function that receives the array’s values.
array_flip()This function returns the flips/exchanges of all the keys and values in an array that are associated with them
array_intersect()This method compares arrays and returns the matches based on the values that were compared.
array_intersect_assoc()In this function, arrays are compared and a list of matches is returned (keys and values are compared).
array_intersect_key()The match arrays are returned (only keys are compared) by this function.
array_intersect_uassoc()This function compares two arrays, and will return a match if the keys and values match (using a key comparison function you define)
array_intersect_ukey()This method compares arrays and returns matches using a key comparison function which can be defined by the user.
array_key_exists()This function determines whether or not the specified key exists in the array.
array_keys()The function returns an array of keys with their values
array_map()This function allows you to send each value of an array to a function that is user-defined, which then returns new values
array_merge()This function merges one or more arrays into one array
array_merge_recursive()This function recursively merges one or more arrays into one array in order to reduce memory usage
array_multisort()The sort function sorts arrays that have multiple dimensions or multiple dimensions
array_pad()This function inserts a specified number of items into an array, each with a specified value.
array_pop()This function is used to remove an array’s last element
array_product()This function calculates the product of all the values in an array
array_push()The function inserts one or more elements into an array at the end of the array
array_rand()This method returns a random key from an array of key
array_reduce()This function is used to create a string representation of an array, using a user-defined function
array_replace()The values in the first array should be replaced with the values in the following arrays
array_replace_recursive()The values of the first array should be replaced recursively with the values of the arrays after that
array_reverse()This function is used to reverse the order of an array
array_search()This method is used to find a value in an array and returns the value’s key
array_shift()The function removes the first element from an array, and returns the value of the element that has been removed
array_slice()This function returns a subset of the array that has been selected
array_splice()A method for removing and replacing specific elements from an array of elements
array_sum()A function that returns the sum of each value in an array
array_udiff()The function compares arrays, and returns the differences between the arrays (comparing values only, with the help of a user-defined key comparison function)
array_udiff_assoc()A function for comparing arrays. It compares keys and values with a built-in key comparison function and a user-defined value comparison function.
array_udiff_uassoc()It compares two arrays, and it returns the difference between them (compares keys and values, using two user-defined key comparison functions).
array_uintersect()Returns a set of arrays that are compared and the values that are the same (compares values only, using a key comparison function defined by the user).
array_uintersect_assoc()Returns the matches between arrays (combine keys and values, using a built-in key comparer and a user-defined value comparer)
array_uintersect_uassoc()This function compares two arrays with two user-defined key comparison functions, and returns the array with the most matches.
array_unique()The function removes duplicate values from an array by using an array filter
array_unshift()The add method is used to add elements to the beginning of an array
array_values()An array is returned containing all the values in it
array_walk()An array can be processed by applying a user function to each member of the array.
array_walk_recursive()By this function you can apply a user function recursively to all elements of a collection.
arsort()This method sorts an associative array in descending order, based on its value
asort()This function sorts an associative array in ascending order, based on the value it contains
compact()A list of variables and their values should be created as an array
count()An array of elements will be returned with the number of elements in it
current()An array’s current element will be returned whenever you call it
each()This function has been deprecated since PHP 7.2. It returns the key and value pair that are currently in use from an array of values.
end()This method sets the internal pointer of an array to the last element in the array
extract()The following function imports variables from an array into the current symbol table:
in_array()The function checks whether an array contains a value specified by a particular value
key()The method gets a key from an array of keys
krsort()This function is used to sort an array of associative arrays in descending order by the key in the array.
ksort()According to the key in an associative array, this function sorts the array in ascending order
list()Using this method you can assign variables to the array as if they were array elements
natcasesort()A “natural order” algorithm is used to sort an array using a case-insensitive approach
natsort()An array is sorted by a natural order algorithm based on the elements in the array
next()By calling this function, you can advance the internal array pointer of a given array
pos()This is an alias for the current() function
prev()A pointer to the internal array should be rewinded
range()This method creates an array of elements containing a range of values
reset()The first element of an array is set as the internal pointer of the array
rsort()This function sorts an array of indexed values descending from the top
shuffle()The shuffle method is used to shuffle an array of elements
sizeof()An alias for the count() function
sort()The ascending order in which an array of indexed values should be sorted
uasort()This function sorts an array by the values of the array according to the comparison function defined by the user
uksort()An array is sorted by its keys based on a comparison function that is specified by the user
usort()This function sorts an array using a function that can be defined by the user


Arrays are an essential part of PHP programming. They allow you to store and manipulate collections of data in a single variable, making it easier to work with complex data structures. By understanding the basics of arrays and how to work with them, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled PHP developer. Remember that arrays can be one-dimensional or multi-dimensional, and that there are many built-in functions available for working with arrays. With practice and experimentation, you’ll be able to use arrays effectively in your PHP projects and make your code more efficient and streamlined.

we hope this introduction to PHP arrays has been helpful in getting you started. Keep practicing and experimenting with arrays, and soon you’ll be able to create powerful PHP applications with ease.

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