Enums In Solidity
In this article, we will examine Solidity enums in depth, explaining their properties, use cases, and how to work with them effectively in smart contracts.
In enums, variables can only take one of the predefined values. In this enumerated list, the values are called enums.
Enum can help you minimize the number of defects in your code.
Consider, for instance, an application for a fresh juice shop where the glass size can be limited to small, medium, or large.
This would prevent anyone from ordering other sizes than small, medium, and large.
The given example will help you understand the working of solidity enums in an easier way:
If you find Difficulty in executing the code above, have a look at the steps of executing the program from our article Write smart contract.
If we call the get_Default_Select function we get:
Similarly the output of the get_Selection function will be:
Solidity Enums provides a useful feature for defining custom data types with a limited set of values.
They help make code more readable and maintainable by providing a clear definition of allowed values for a particular variable or parameter.
Enums can also be used in conjunction with other Solidity features, such as structs and mappings, to create more complex data structures.