Solidity View Functions

Throughout this article, we will take a closer look at what solidity view functions are and how they are used to create robust smart contracts. In addition, we will look at their purpose and benefits.

Solidity View Function: What is it?

Solidity view functions retrieve data from the Ethereum blockchain without altering the contract’s state.

As it is a read-only function, any user can call it without any cost.

It is easy to use and accessible by anyone. No gas is required for execution, and no changes are made to the contract state during the execution of such functions.

View functions allow users to view the current state of a contract.

The given examples shows a basic view function:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: 3.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;contract SolidityTest{uint mrx=10; uint ample=2;function view_function() public view returns(uint sum,uint product){sum=mrx+ample; product=mrx*ample;return(sum,product); }}
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The given example shows the use of view function to print a string:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: 3.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;contract SolidityTest{string mrx_name="Elon Musk";function view_function() public view returns(string memory){ return mrx_name;}}
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Solidity View Functions

Solidity view Function Benefits

A number of benefits are provided by Solidity view functions, including:

Lower Transaction Costs

Because view functions do not modify the contract’s state, they do not require any gas to execute. In other words, users won’t have to worry about incurring transaction costs when calling view functions. The ability to retrieve data from the blockchain is particularly useful since the current state of the contract can be accessed at no cost.

Increase Contract Security

View functions are read-only, which means that they cannot modify the state of the contract. Consequently, there is less risk of errors and vulnerabilities being exploited by attackers. View functions allow developers to maintain the security and consistency of contract states.

Easy Contract Integration

It is easier to integrate multiple smart contracts using view functions, since other smart contracts can call them. By doing so, developers can build more complex blockchain applications that can interact with one another.


A Solidity view function is an essential feature of any Solidity contract.

It is a method that enables users to read-only access to the current state of the contract, without incurring any transaction costs for doing so.

View functions enable you to develop more secure, integrated, and easy-to-maintain contracts.

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