Abstract Contracts In Solidity

In this article, we will examine abstract contracts in Solidity and explore how they can be utilized to generate adaptable and modular contract models.

Abstract Contracts

The term abstract contract refers to contracts with at least one function that is not implemented, or to contracts that don’t provide arguments for all the base contract constructors.

We can consider the abstract contracts if we do not intend to create it directly.

An abstract instance cannot be created.

An abstract contract serves as a base contract from which a child contract can inherit and utilize its functions.

A derived contract that inherits from the abstract contract should implement incomplete functions in order to provide a structure for the contract.

If that derived contract does not implement incomplete functions, it will also be labeled abstract. It declared through the abstract keyword.

The following example provides you a basic understanding of utilising the abstract contract:


pragma solidity ^0.8.0;abstract contract SolidityTest{function get_String(string memory mrx) public view virtual returns(string memory);}contract SolidityTest1 is SolidityTest{function get_String (string memory mrx) public pure override returns(string memory){return mrx; }}contract SolidityTest2{SolidityTest obj;constructor(){obj=new SolidityTest1(); }function show_String() public view returns(string memory){return obj.get_String("Mr.Examples"); }}
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Solidity contracts abstract cannot be deployed on the blockchain, but they can be used as a base contract for other contracts to inherit from.

When a contract inherits from an abstract contract, it must implement all the abstract functions defined in the abstract contract.

If a contract does not implement all the abstract functions, it cannot be deployed on the blockchain.

Below is an example of a contract that inherits from SolidityTest.

The example below illustrates the Working of the abstract contract in a more clear way in order to understand its concept easily:


pragma solidity ^0.8.0;abstract contract SolidityTest{function get_Name(string memory mrx) public view virtual returns(string memory);function set_Product(uint mrx,uint ample) public virtual;function get_Product() public virtual returns(uint); }contract SolidityTest1 is SolidityTest{uint private _mrx; uint private _ample;function get_Name(string memory mrx) public pure override returns(string memory){ return mrx;}function set_Product(uint mrx,uint ample) public override{ _mrx=mrx; _ample=ample;}function get_Product() public view override returns(uint){return _mrx*_ample;} }contract SolidityTest2{SolidityTest mrx_obj; constructor(){mrx_obj=new SolidityTest1();}function obtain_Values() public returns(string memory,uint){mrx_obj.set_Product(5,7);return(mrx_obj.get_Name("Mr.Examples"),mrx_obj.get_Product()); }}
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Note: The above example illustrates the working of the abstract contracts and will not execute or give an output, this example is created in order to provide the learner, a better understanding.

Importance of Abstract Contract

A number of benefits are available to Solidity developers through abstract contracts, including:

  • Abstract contracts create standard interfaces that can be used by multiple contracts because they define functions and variables that must be implemented by all inheriting contracts. As a result, complex contracts can be built with interchangeable components more easily.
  • The modularity of abstract contracts allows developers to break complex contracts into smaller, easier-to-manage parts. In this way, contracts can be tested, maintained, and upgraded more easily.
  • Abstract contracts can conceal details of implementation from other contracts. As a result, contracts will be safer and code will be less vulnerable to errors.
  • Abstract contracts are used to define variables and functions that must be implemented by any contract derived from them, while remaining flexible in other areas. With this, developers can create flexible and customizable contracts that can be adapted to different use cases.


Abstract Contracts use the Solidity programming language to build flexible and modular contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

It enables complex contracts with interchangeable components to be built more easily by providing a standard interface for multiple contracts. In addition, they allow developers to break down complex contracts into smaller, more manageable pieces while hiding implementation details and protecting contracts.

A Solidity developer who is looking to build high-quality Ethereum contracts will benefit from this article.

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