HTML Iframes

HTML iframes are the topic of our discussion. A web page can be displayed within another web page by using an HTML iframe.

HTML iframe tags indicate an inline frame, hence they are also known as inline frames.

It inserts another HTML document in the rectangle area of the existing HTML document.

Using JavaScript, the webpage and iframe contents can collaborate.

HTML Iframe Syntax

HTML <iframe> tags establish inline frames.

HTML documents can have inline frames embedded within them to show other documents.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe src=”url” title=”description”>

Set Iframe Height and Width

To specify the iframe’s size, utilise the height and width attributes.

Please note pixels (px) are operated by default for height and width:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body><iframe src="" height="250" width="300" title="Iframe MrExample"></iframe></body> </html>

Alternatively, you can add a style attribute and utilize CSS height and width properties:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body><iframe src="" style="height:250px;width:300px;" title="Iframe Example"></iframe></body> </html>

You can also set the width and height of the iframe in Percentage:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h2>HTML Iframes</h2> <p>By setting the height and width attributes, it is possible to define the iframe's size:</p> <iframe src="" style="height:45%;width:65%;" title="Iframe Example"></iframe> </body> </html>

When HTML iframes are utilized, a link can be inserted into an iframe.

The target attribute of the link must guide to the name attribute of the iframe:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body><iframe src="" name="iframe_a" title="Iframe Example"></iframe><p><a href="" target="iframe_a"></a></p></body> </html>

Here is another example of linking to the target frame using the HTML iframe tag:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>MR Examples</h1> <h2>iframe tag</h2> <p>Please click on the linked text to see further</p> <iframe height="220px" width="420px" src="" name="set_iframe"> </iframe> <p><a href="" target="set_iframe"> MR Examples </a> </p> </body></html>

Remove Iframe Border

In HTML iframes, an iframe is usually covered by a border.

If you like to remove the border, utilize the style attribute and the CSS border property:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body><iframe src="" style="border:none;" title="Iframe Example"></iframe></body> </html>

Additionally, you can adjust the border’s size, style, and color with CSS:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body><iframe src="" style="border:2px solid red;" title="Iframe Example"></iframe></body> </html>

HTML iframe Tag

<iframe>specify an inline frame

Browse our HTML Tag Reference for a complete listing of all available HTML tags.=

Advantages of using HTML Iframes

Following are the advantages of Using HTML Iframes:

Modular Design: HTML iframes facilitate a modular design approach, allowing you to create and integrate different parts of a website independently.

Third-Party Content Integration: Iframes allow you to embed third-party content, such as maps, videos, and social media feeds into their website.

Enhanced Functionality: Iframes can be used to add enhanced functionality to a website without redirecting the user to a different page.

Separation of Content and Design: Iframes enable a clear separation of content and design, making it easier to maintain and update a website over time.

Easy Updates: Iframes allow you to update specific sections of a website without having to update the entire page, reducing the risk of errors and making it faster to make changes.

Increased Security: Iframes help increase the security of a website by isolating potentially risky third-party content in a separate sandbox environment.

Compatibility: Iframes are compatible with all major web browsers and can be used with different programming languages, making them a versatile tool for web development.

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