Tag <wbr> In HTML

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Tag <wbr> in HTML signifies a word break opportunity and is designed to indicate a position within the text that the browser will consider a break.

The <wbr> tag in HTML stands for “word break opportunity”. It is a non-standard HTML tag that specifies a suggested point for a line break within a word. This tag is used to control the word wrapping behavior of long words or phrases that may cause layout issues on small screens.

Here is an example of how to use the <wbr> tag in HTML:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>This is a verylongwordwithnospaces<wbr>andnowordbreakopportunities.</wbr></p> </body> </html>

Breaking up long words in a <div> element:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <div>This is a very long word with no spaces, such as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious<wbr>andanticonstitutionally.</wbr></div> </body> </html>

Breaking up long strings of text in a <pre> element:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <pre>This is a very long string of text that might cause layout issues without a word break opportunity. It contains a lot of long words with no spaces, such as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious<wbr>andanticonstitutionally.</wbr></pre> </body> </html>

Another unique use of the <wbr> tag breaking long words in a table cell <span>:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <table> <tr> <td> <span>Thisisaverylongwordwithnospaces,suchas<wbr>supercalifragilisticexpialidocious</wbr></span> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
Advice: Whenever a word is too lengthy, the browser may separate it at the incorrect point. To provide word break possibilities, employ the <wbr> element.

Tag wbr Uses

The <wbr> (Word Break Opportunity) tag indicates when in a text it is acceptable to insert a line break.

Here are some common uses of the <wbr> tag in HTML:

  • The <wbr> tag can be used to break up long words that may cause layout issues on small screens, such as mobile devices.
  • The <wbr> tag can be used to break up long URLs that may cause horizontal scrolling or layout issues on a web page.
  • The <wbr> tag can be used to break up email addresses that may cause layout issues on a web page or in email clients.
  • The <wbr> tag can be used to break up long code snippets or variable names that may cause layout issues or readability problems in code blocks.
  • The <wbr> tag can be used to suggest a break point for hyphenation of long words or phrases.



The Tag <wbr> also accepts the Global Attributes in HTML.


The Tag Wbr <wbr> also accepts the Event Attributes in HTML.

Browser Compatibility

The table numbers indicate the earliest browsers version that completely implements the element.


HTML Tag wbr Advantages

The <wbr> tag in HTML has several advantages:

  • By allowing for word breaks in long words or phrases, the <wbr> tag can improve the readability and legibility of text on a web page, especially on small screens or in narrow columns.
  • The <wbr> tag can prevent layout issues, such as horizontal scrolling or overlapping text, that may cause frustration for users and affect the overall user experience.
  • The <wbr> tag can make text more accessible to users with disabilities, such as those using screen readers, by breaking up long words or phrases that may be difficult to parse.
  • The <wbr> tag allows developers to control the word wrapping behavior of text on a web page, without having to rely on fixed-width layouts or manual line breaks.
  • The <wbr> tag is easy to use and requires minimal coding, making it a quick and simple solution for preventing layout issues and improving readability.
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