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HTML URL Encoding Reference
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Today the topic of our discussion is Ref urlencode. Pages are requested from web servers by web browsers using URLs.
In a URL, you see the address of a website, such as this: https://mrexamples.com/
Importance of URL
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is an important component of HTML and web development in general. Here are some of the reasons why:
- Identifies the location of web resources: A URL specifies the location of web resources, such as web pages, images, videos, and other types of files. This is important for web browsers to be able to retrieve and display the content correctly.
- Provides a unique identifier: Each URL is unique and identifies a specific web resource. This makes it possible to link to specific pages and resources, as well as to share them with others.
- Enables navigation within a website: URLs can be used to navigate within a website, allowing users to move from one page to another without having to search for the content again.
- Enables search engine optimization (SEO): URLs can impact a website’s search engine rankings. Well-structured, descriptive URLs can make it easier for search engines to understand the content of a website and index it accordingly.
- Enables tracking and analytics: URLs can be used to track user behavior on a website, such as the number of visits, clicks, and conversions. This data can be analyzed to improve the user experience and optimize the website’s performance.
URL Encoding (Percent Encoding)
When we talk about Ref urlencode then, by encoding URLs, characters are transformed into a format that is suitable for Internet transmission.
The ASCII character set is the only one that can use to send URLs over the Internet in Ref urlencode.
A URL needs to be transformed into ASCII format because it frequently includes characters outside the ASCII set.
As part of URL encoding, a “%” is preceded by two hexadecimal digits to substitute insecure ASCII characters.
Give it a try
Input will be URL encoded prior to submission to the server if you click the “Submit” button beneath. Feedback received by the server will be displayed on a page when it comes to Ref urlencode.
You can try again by entering some other information.
Try some other input and click Submit again.
Functions for URL encoding
For the purpose of URL encoding a string within a Ref URL, there are functions provided in JavaScript, PHP, and ASP, which can use in Ref urlencode.
A PHP program can use rawurlencode() to encode the URL, whereas an ASP program can use a server. URLEncode() to encode the URL in Ref urlencode as it comes to Ref urlencode.
The encodeURIComponent() function can be used in JavaScript.
Check out the JavaScript function’s text encoding by clicking “URL Encode.”
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Encoding Reference for ASCII
The character set you use on your page will determine how your browser encodes input when it comes to Ref urlencode.
HTML5 uses UTF-8 as its default character set.
Character | From Windows-1252 | From UTF-8 |
space | %20 | %20 |
! | %21 | %21 |
“ | %22 | %22 |
# | %23 | %23 |
$ | %24 | %24 |
% | %25 | %25 |
& | %26 | %26 |
‘ | %27 | %27 |
( | %28 | %28 |
) | %29 | %29 |
* | %2A | %2A |
+ | %2B | %2B |
, | %2C | %2C |
– | %2D | %2D |
. | %2E | %2E |
/ | %2F | %2F |
0 | %30 | %30 |
1 | %31 | %31 |
2 | %32 | %32 |
3 | %33 | %33 |
4 | %34 | %34 |
5 | %35 | %35 |
6 | %36 | %36 |
7 | %37 | %37 |
8 | %38 | %38 |
9 | %39 | %39 |
: | %3A | %3A |
; | %3B | %3B |
< | %3C | %3C |
= | %3D | %3D |
> | %3E | %3E |
? | %3F | %3F |
@ | %40 | %40 |
A | %41 | %41 |
B | %42 | %42 |
C | %43 | %43 |
D | %44 | %44 |
E | %45 | %45 |
F | %46 | %46 |
G | %47 | %47 |
H | %48 | %48 |
I | %49 | %49 |
J | %4A | %4A |
K | %4B | %4B |
L | %4C | %4C |
M | %4D | %4D |
N | %4E | %4E |
O | %4F | %4F |
P | %50 | %50 |
Q | %51 | %51 |
R | %52 | %52 |
S | %53 | %53 |
T | %54 | %54 |
U | %55 | %55 |
V | %56 | %56 |
W | %57 | %57 |
X | %58 | %58 |
Y | %59 | %59 |
Z | %5A | %5A |
[ | %5B | %5B |
%5C | %5C | |
] | %5D | %5D |
^ | %5E | %5E |
_ | %5F | %5F |
` | %60 | %60 |
a | %61 | %61 |
b | %62 | %62 |
c | %63 | %63 |
d | %64 | %64 |
e | %65 | %65 |
f | %66 | %66 |
g | %67 | %67 |
h | %68 | %68 |
i | %69 | %69 |
j | %6A | %6A |
k | %6B | %6B |
l | %6C | %6C |
m | %6D | %6D |
n | %6E | %6E |
o | %6F | %6F |
p | %70 | %70 |
q | %71 | %71 |
r | %72 | %72 |
s | %73 | %73 |
t | %74 | %74 |
u | %75 | %75 |
v | %76 | %76 |
w | %77 | %77 |
x | %78 | %78 |
y | %79 | %79 |
z | %7A | %7A |
{ | %7B | %7B |
| | %7C | %7C |
} | %7D | %7D |
~ | %7E | %7E |
%7F | %7F | |
` | %80 | %E2%82%AC |
 | %81 | %81 |
‚ | %82 | %E2%80%9A |
Æ’ | %83 | %C6%92 |
„ | %84 | %E2%80%9E |
… | %85 | %E2%80%A6 |
†| %86 | %E2%80%A0 |
‡ | %87 | %E2%80%A1 |
ˆ | %88 | %CB%86 |
‰ | %89 | %E2%80%B0 |
Å | %8A | %C5%A0 |
‹ | %8B | %E2%80%B9 |
Å’ | %8C | %C5%92 |
 | %8D | %C5%8D |
Ž | %8E | %C5%BD |
 | %8F | %8F |
 | %90 | %C2%90 |
‘ | %91 | %E2%80%98 |
’ | %92 | %E2%80%99 |
“ | %93 | %E2%80%9C |
†| %94 | %E2%80%9D |
• | %95 | %E2%80%A2 |
– | %96 | %E2%80%93 |
— | %97 | %E2%80%94 |
˜ | %98 | %CB%9C |
â„¢ | %99 | %E2%84 |
Å¡ | %9A | %C5%A1 |
› | %9B | %E2%80 |
Å“ | %9C | %C5%93 |
 | %9D | %9D |
ž | %9E | %C5%BE |
Ÿ | %9F | %C5%B8 |
%A0 | %C2%A0 | |
¡ | %A1 | %C2%A1 |
¢ | %A2 | %C2%A2 |
£ | %A3 | %C2%A3 |
¤ | %A4 | %C2%A4 |
Â¥ | %A5 | %C2%A5 |
¦ | %A6 | %C2%A6 |
§ | %A7 | %C2%A7 |
¨ | %A8 | %C2%A8 |
© | %A9 | %C2%A9 |
ª | %AA | %C2%AA |
« | %AB | %C2%AB |
¬ | %AC | %C2%AC |
 | %AD | %C2%AD |
® | %AE | %C2%AE |
¯ | %AF | %C2%AF |
° | %B0 | %C2%B0 |
± | %B1 | %C2%B1 |
² | %B2 | %C2%B2 |
³ | %B3 | %C2%B3 |
´ | %B4 | %C2%B4 |
µ | %B5 | %C2%B5 |
¶ | %B6 | %C2%B6 |
· | %B7 | %C2%B7 |
¸ | %B8 | %C2%B8 |
¹ | %B9 | %C2%B9 |
º | %BA | %C2%BA |
» | %BB | %C2%BB |
¼ | %BC | %C2%BC |
½ | %BD | %C2%BD |
¾ | %BE | %C2%BE |
¿ | %BF | %C2%BF |
À | %C0 | %C3%80 |
à | %C1 | %C3%81 |
 | %C2 | %C3%82 |
à | %C3 | %C3%83 |
Ä | %C4 | %C3%84 |
Ã… | %C5 | %C3%85 |
Æ | %C6 | %C3%86 |
Ç | %C7 | %C3%87 |
È | %C8 | %C3%88 |
É | %C9 | %C3%89 |
Ê | %CA | %C3%8A |
Ë | %CB | %C3%8B |
Ì | %CC | %C3%8C |
à | %CD | %C3%8D |
ÃŽ | %CE | %C3%8E |
à | %CF | %C3%8F |
à | %D0 | %C3%90 |
Ñ | %D1 | %C3%91 |
Ã’ | %D2 | %C3%92 |
Ó | %D3 | %C3%93 |
Ô | %D4 | %C3%94 |
Õ | %D5 | %C3%95 |
Ö | %D6 | %C3%96 |
× | %D7 | %C3%97 |
Ø | %D8 | %C3%98 |
Ù | %D9 | %C3%99 |
Ú | %DA | %C3%9A |
Û | %DB | %C3%9B |
Ü | %DC | %C3%9C |
à | %DD | %C3%9D |
Þ | %DE | %C3%9E |
ß | %DF | %C3%9F |
à | %E0 | %C3%A0 |
á | %E1 | %C3%A1 |
â | %E2 | %C3%A2 |
ã | %E3 | %C3%A3 |
ä | %E4 | %C3%A4 |
Ã¥ | %E5 | %C3%A5 |
æ | %E6 | %C3%A6 |
ç | %E7 | %C3%A7 |
è | %E8 | %C3%A8 |
é | %E9 | %C3%A9 |
ê | %EA | %C3%AA |
ë | %EB | %C3%AB |
ì | %EC | %C3%AC |
à | %ED | %C3%AD |
î | %EE | %C3%AE |
ï | %EF | %C3%AF |
ð | %F0 | %C3%B0 |
ñ | %F1 | %C3%B1 |
ò | %F2 | %C3%B2 |
ó | %F3 | %C3%B3 |
ô | %F4 | %C3%B4 |
õ | %F5 | %C3%B5 |
ö | %F6 | %C3%B6 |
÷ | %F7 | %C3%B7 |
ø | %F8 | %C3%B8 |
ù | %F9 | %C3%B9 |
ú | %FA | %C3%BA |
û | %FB | %C3%BB |
ü | %FC | %C3%BC |
ý | %FD | %C3%BD |
þ | %FE | %C3%BE |
ÿ | %FF | %C3%BF |
Reference for URL encoding
As we discuss Ref urlencode, we must remember that the ASCII control characters %00-%1F were intended to manage hardware devices.
A URL has nothing to do with control characters. Please see the following example of Ref urlencode:
ASCII Character | Overview | URL-encoding |
NUL | null character | %00 |
SOH | start of header | %01 |
STX | start of text | %02 |
ETX | end of text | %03 |
EOT | end of transmission | %04 |
ENQ | enquiry | %05 |
ACK | acknowledge | %06 |
BEL | bell (ring) | %07 |
BS | backspace | %08 |
HT | horizontal tab | %09 |
LF | line feed | %0A |
VT | vertical tab | %0B |
FF | form feed | %0C |
CR | carriage return | %0D |
SO | shift out | %0E |
SI | shift in | %0F |
DLE | data link escape | %10 |
DC1 | device control 1 | %11 |
DC2 | device control 2 | %12 |
DC3 | device control 3 | %13 |
DC4 | device control 4 | %14 |
NAK | negative acknowledge | %15 |
SYN | synchronize | %16 |
ETB | end transmission block | %17 |
CAN | cancel | %18 |
EM | end of medium | %19 |
SUB | substitute | %1A |
ESC | escape | %1B |
FS | file separator | %1C |
GS | group separator | %1D |
RS | record separator | %1E |
US | unit separator | %1F |
Advantages of HTML URL Encoding Reference
HTML URL encoding reference allows web you to encode special characters and spaces in URLs using a standardized format. Here are some of the advantages of HTML URL encoding reference:
- Avoids URL syntax errors: URL encoding ensures that special characters and spaces in URLs are correctly represented and do not cause syntax errors or break the link.
- Ensures compatibility with all browsers: URL encoding ensures that URLs are compatible with all browsers, including those that may not support certain characters or encoding schemes.
- Enables internationalization: URL encoding allows you to use special characters and diacritical marks in URLs, which is important for websites that cater to international audiences and languages.
- Improves search engine optimization (SEO): URLs that are correctly encoded are more likely to be correctly indexed by search engines, improving the website’s search engine optimization.
- Facilitates data transmission: URL encoding is an essential part of transmitting data through web forms, as it ensures that all data is transmitted correctly and without errors.