HTML <frame> Tag

Today we’re here to talk about Tag frames. Wishing it would fulfil the needs of learners.

The HTML <frame> tag is an old and deprecated HTML element that was used in earlier versions of HTML to define frames within a web page. Frames are used to split a web page into multiple sections, each with its own separate HTML document, allowing for easier navigation and browsing of different web pages within the same browser window.

Why was HTML Frame Tag Deprecated ?

The HTML <frame> tag was deprecated in HTML5 because it has several drawbacks that can negatively impact the user experience, accessibility, and search engine optimization of a web page.

Firstly, frames can create accessibility issues for users who rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies, as frames can make it difficult for these users to navigate and understand the content of a web page.

Secondly, frames can also create issues with search engine optimization because they make it difficult for search engines to index and rank content on a web page, potentially leading to lower search engine rankings and reduced visibility.

Additionally, frames can be confusing for users and can make it difficult to navigate between different sections of a web page, which can lead to a poor user experience and reduced engagement on the site. Frames are also not supported in all web browsers, which can create compatibility issues for users who are using older browsers or mobile devices.

Finally, frames can create security issues because they can be used to display content from other websites or domains, which can potentially introduce security vulnerabilities.

Additional Information: In HTML 4 <frame> tag specifies a particular window (frame) contained in a <frameset>.

Frame Alternative

A document can be embedded within a current HTML document by using the <iframe> tag:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <iframe src=""></iframe> </body> </html>

Embedding a Google Map on your website with <iframe> tag:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <iframe src="!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d14031.934826241179!2d-96.8299413!3d32.7976014!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0x89a2b8a7a9d3a2c7!2sOpenAI!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1524237945658" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </body> </html>

<frame> vs <frameset>

The HTML <frame> and <frameset> tags are both used for creating frames within a web page, but they serve different purposes.

The <frameset> tag is used to define the structure of a frameset within a web page, specifying the number, size, and position of the frames. The <frameset> tag is typically used in combination with one or more <frame> tags to define the content of each frame within the frameset. The <frameset> tag can also contain attributes such as “cols” or “rows” to specify the dimensions of each frame within the frameset.

On the other hand, the <frame> tag is used to define the content that will be displayed within each frame of the frameset. Each <frame> tag specifies the source URL of the HTML document to be displayed within the frame.

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