Flask Deployment: Getting Your Web Application Ready

When it comes to Flask deployment for your applications, proper planning and preparation are essential. In this article, we will explore the necessary steps and best practices for deploying a Flask application, ensuring a smooth and successful deployment process.

Choose Right Deployment Strategy for Your Flask Application

Before diving into the deployment process, it’s crucial to assess the specific requirements and constraints of your Flask application.

There are various deployment strategies available, each with its own advantages and considerations. We will discuss different deployment options, including shared hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), containerization with Docker, and cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, and Azure.

By understanding the pros and cons of each approach, you can make an informed decision and select the most suitable deployment strategy for your Flask application.

Preparing Your Flask Application for Deployment

To ensure a seamless deployment, it’s important to follow best practices in preparing your Flask application.

This includes organizing your project structure, managing dependencies, and optimizing your application for performance.

We will guide you through these steps, providing real and executable code examples along the way.

Organizing Your Project Structure

Having a well-structured project layout is crucial for maintainability and scalability. We recommend organizing your Flask application using a modular approach, separating concerns into blueprints or modules.

This allows for better code organization and makes it easier to manage different components of your application.

Here’s an example of how you can structure your Flask project:

├── app.py
├── config.py
├── requirements.txt
└── your_module/
├── __init__.py
├── routes.py
└── models.py

Managing Dependencies

Managing dependencies is a vital aspect of Flask deployment. It’s crucial to maintain a clean and updated requirements.txt file, specifying the required packages and their versions.

This ensures consistent and reproducible deployments across different environments.

Use a virtual environment to isolate your application’s dependencies and prevent conflicts with other packages installed on the server.

Here’s an example of a requirements.txt file:


Externally Visible Server

When you run a Flask application on the development server, it can only be accessed on the same computer where the development environment is installed. This is done by default, because allowing users to execute arbitrary code on the computer can be dangerous in debugging mode.

However, if you disable the debug mode, you can make the development server available to other users on the network by setting the hostname as ““. This will allow users to access your Flask application from other devices on the same network.

app.run(host = ’’)

This means that your operating system is able to receive incoming network traffic from all public IP addresses.


If you want to move your Flask application from a development environment to a production environment, you will need to deploy it on a real web server. There are various options available for deploying Flask web applications depending on what you have.

You can choose to deploy your Flask application on various cloud platforms or even on Google Cloud Platform.

Additionally, the Localtunnel service can help you share your localhost application without having to deal with DNS or firewall configurations. If you prefer to use a dedicated web server instead of the shared platforms mentioned above, there are several options available for you to consider.


If you want to host a Python-based web application on an Apache server, you can use mod_wsgi, which is a module that offers a WSGI compliant interface.

Installing mod_wsgi

You can install an official release directly from PyPi by executing:

pip install mod_wsgi

You can check if the mod_wsgi installation was successful by running the mod_wsgi-express script with the start-server command:

mod_wsgi-express start-server

After executing the “mod_wsgi-express start-server” command, the Apache/mod_wsgi will start running on port number 8000.

You can ensure that the installation was successful by opening your web browser and visiting the following URL:


Creating .wsgi file

Typically, there is a file named “yourapplication.wsgi” which includes the mod_wsgi code that runs during startup to create the application object. For the majority of applications, the file below should be satisfactory:

from yourapplication import app as application

Ensure that the application you are working on, along with all the libraries that it utilizes, are included in the Python load path.

Configure Apache

You have to specify the location of your application to mod_wsgi.

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName example.com
WSGIScriptAlias / C:\yourdir\yourapp.wsgi

<Directory C:\yourdir>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all


Flask Deployment Benefits

  • Flask is a lightweight framework that can be easily deployed on small servers or cloud platforms.
  • Flask comes with a built-in development server that makes it easy to test and debug applications before deploying them to production.
  • Flask applications can be easily deployed on various cloud platforms such as Heroku, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services, using tools like Gunicorn and mod_wsgi.
  • Flask offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to deployment. You can choose to deploy your application on a shared server, a dedicated server, or a cloud platform depending on your needs.
  • Flask applications can be easily scaled horizontally by running multiple instances of the application behind a load balancer, making it possible to handle large volumes of traffic.


Deploying a Flask application requires careful planning and adherence to best practices. In this article, we discussed the importance of choosing the right deployment strategy based on your application’s requirements. We also explored essential steps in preparing your Flask application for deployment, including organizing the project structure, managing dependencies, and optimizing performance.

By following these guidelines and using the real and executable code examples provided, you’ll be well-equipped to deploy your Flask application with confidence. Remember to always test your deployment in a staging environment before releasing it to production, and continuously monitor and maintain your application for optimal performance. Happy Flask deployment!

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