Add Dictionary Items In Python

We will cover Python dictionaries add today with examples, to best accommodate our students’ needs.

Add Items

In Python dictionaries add, adding an item is achieved by creating a new index key and providing a value for it:


footballer_bio_dict = { "full name": "Lionel Andres Messi", "Place of birth": "Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina", "height": "1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)", "position": "Forward" } footballer_bio_dict["first club"] = "FC Barcelona" print(footballer_bio_dict)


footballer_bio_dict = { "full name": "Lionel Andres Messi", "Place of birth": "Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina", "height": "1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)", "position": "Forward", "first club": "FC Barcelona" } footballer_bio_dict["world cups"] = 1 print(footballer_bio_dict)

Update Dictionary

In the update() method, items from a provided argument will be added to the dictionary.

The item will be inserted if it does not exist.

If the argument is a dictionary, or an iterable object with key-value pairs, it must be a dictionary.

Using the update() method, insert a first club item into the dictionary method:


footballer_bio_dict = { "full name": "Lionel Andres Messi", "Place of birth": "Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina", "height": "1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)", "position": "Forward" } footballer_bio_dict.update({"first club" : "FC Barcelona"}) print(footballer_bio_dict)

Using the update() method, insert a world cups item into the dictionary method:


footballer_bio_dict = { "full name": "Lionel Andres Messi", "Place of birth": "Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina", "height": "1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)", "position": "Forward", "first club": "FC Barcelona" } footballer_bio_dict.update({"world cups" : 1}) print(footballer_bio_dict)

Python Dictionary-Adding Items Importance

Adding items to dictionaries in Python is important for several reasons:

  1. Dictionaries allow you to store and organize data using key-value pairs. By adding items to a dictionary, you can create a structured and easily accessible repository for your data.
  2. Dictionaries support dynamic data structures, meaning you can add new key-value pairs as needed. This flexibility is valuable when working with evolving data or when you want to incrementally build your dictionary.
  3. Adding items to dictionaries allows you to update your data. If you have new information that needs to be included or if existing data needs to be modified, you can add or overwrite the corresponding key-value pairs in the dictionary.
  4. Dictionaries are often used to create mappings between related pieces of information. Adding items to a dictionary allows you to establish relationships between keys and their corresponding values. This is useful when you need to associate data or metadata with specific identifiers or labels.
  5. By adding items to a dictionary, you can leverage the fast lookup capability of dictionaries. When you later want to access a specific value, you can directly retrieve it using its associated key, which results in efficient data retrieval.
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