Math In Python

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In Python math, you can perform mathematical operations on numbers with Python’s built-in math functions, along with an extensive math module.

Python Math Module

Mathematical calculations are sometimes necessary when working on financial and scientific projects. Such calculations can be handled by Python math module.

Python math module provides functions to perform both basic operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and advanced ones such as trigonometric, logarithms, and exponentials.

In addition, Python comes with a built-in module known as Python math, which increases the list of mathematical functions.

You have to import the math module to utilize it:


import math

After importing the math module, you can utilize its methods and constants.

The math.sqrt() method, for instance, provides the square root of a number as follows:


import mathmrx = math.sqrt(49) print(mrx)


import math mrx = math.sqrt(49) ample = math.sqrt(81) print(mrx) print(ample) print(mrx+ample)

Math.ceil() rounds a number up to its closest integer, and math.floor() rounds a number down to its closest integer, and prints the outcome as follows:


import math mrx = math.ceil(7.3) ample = math.floor(7.3)print(mrx) # shows the output 8 print(ample) # shows the output 7

math.pi constant displays the value of PI (3.14…) as follows:


import mathmrx = math.pi print(mrx) mrx = round(mrx, 5) # Applying the round() function to give five decimal places to the pi value print(mrx)

Python Math Built-in Functions

To obtain the smallest or greatest value in an iterable, call the min() and max() functions:


mrx = min(60, 39, 65, 17, 44) ample = max(60, 39, 65, 17, 44)print(mrx) print(ample)

Another Example: 

mrxlist = [60, 39, 65, 17, 44] mrxtuple = (12, 97, 65, 17, 73) mrx = min(mrxlist) ample = max(mrxtuple)print("Minimum Value: ",mrx) print("Maximum Value: ",ample)

According to Python math, we can utilize the abs() function to provide a number’s absolute value (positive value):


mrx = abs(-10.84) print(mrx)

Another Example: 

mrx = abs(-10.84) ample = abs(-5.16)print(mrx+ample)

By calling a function such as pow(x, y), the user gets the value of x to the power of y (x^y).

Give the power of 2 of 7 (the identical number as 7 * 7):


mrx = pow(7, 2)print("7 * 7 = ",mrx)

Python Math List

Below is a complete list of Python Math methods.

math.acos()A number’s arc cosine is returned.
math.acosh()Numbers are returned as inverse hyperbolic cosines.
math.asin()A number’s arc sine is returned.
math.asinh()This function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
math.atan()An arc tangent is returned as a radian value.
math.atan2()Radians of y/x’s arc tangent.
math.atanh()This function returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.
math.ceil()An integer is rounded up to the nearest whole number.
math.comb()Counts the number of ways to choose k items from n items without repetition or order.
math.copysign()Float consisting of value for first parameter and sign for second parameter.
math.cos()Cosine of a number.
math.cosh()Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
math.degrees()Calculates the degree of an angle in radians.
math.dist()Provides the Euclidean distance between two points (p and q), where p and q are their coordinates.
math.erf()A number’s error function.
math.erfc()A number’s complementary error function.
math.exp()Raises E to the power of x.
math.expm1()Returns for Ex-1.
math.fabs()A number’s absolute value.
math.factorial()Factorial returns the number’s factorial.
math.floor()An integer is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
math.fmod()This function returns x/y’s remainder.
math.frexp()The mantissa and exponent of a specified number are returned.
math.fsum()Sums all items in an iterable (a list, a tuple, etc.).
math.gamma()The gamma function at x is returned.
math.gcd()Calculates the greatest common divisor of two integers.
math.hypot()This function returns the Euclidean norm.
math.isclose()Tests whether two values are close to each other.
math.isfinite()Finiteness checker.
math.isinf()Determines whether a number is infinite.
math.isnan()Detects if a value is NaN (not a number).
math.isqrt()Integerizes a square root number.
math.ldexp()It returns the inverse of math.frexp(), which is x (2*mrx) of the given numbers x and mrx.
math.lgamma()Calculates x’s log gamma value.
math.log()Gives the natural logarithm or base logarithm of a number.
math.log10()Logarithm of x in base-10.
math.log1p()Natural logarithm of 1 + x
math.log2()Logarithm of x in base-2
math.perm()Gives the number of ways to choose k items from n items in order and without repetition.
math.pow()A power of y is returned when x is multiplied by y returns the product of all the elements in an iterable.
math.radians()Inverts a degree value into a radian value
math.remainder()It returns the value that is closest to dividing the numerator by the denominator completely.
math.sin()Provides a sine value for a number
math.sinh()An integer’s hyperbolic sine.
math.sqrt()A number’s square root is returned
math.tan()An integer’s tangent.
math.tanh()Calculates a number’s hyperbolic tangent
math.trunc()Numerical parts that are truncated to integers.

Python Math Uses

Here are some common uses of the math module in Python:

  1. Computing square roots: Use the math.sqrt() function to calculate the square root of a number.
  2. Rounding numbers: The math.ceil() function rounds a number up to the nearest integer, while math.floor() rounds it down.
  3. Trigonometric functions: The math.sin(), math.cos(), and math.tan() functions compute the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle, respectively.
  4. Exponential and logarithmic functions: Use math.exp() to compute the exponential function e^x, math.log() to calculate the natural logarithm, and math.log10() for the base-10 logarithm.
  5. Constants: The math.pi constant represents the value of π (pi), and math.e represents Euler’s number (e).
  6. Converting between degrees and radians: The math.radians() function converts an angle from degrees to radians, and math.degrees() converts from radians to degrees.
  7. Power and absolute value: The math.pow() function raises a number to a given power, and math.abs() returns the absolute value of a number.
  8. Truncating decimals: The math.trunc() function truncates the decimal part of a number and returns the integer part.
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