Numpy Ufunc Trigonometric

There are several fields of mathematics, physics, and engineering that use trigonometric functions.

The purpose of this article is to discuss Numpy Ufunc Trigonometric, their syntax, as well as how they can be implemented.

Numpy Ufunc Trigonometric

NumPy provides several universal functions (ufuncs) that can perform element-wise operations on arrays.

NumPy ufunc trigonometric are mathematical functions that compute the trigonometric values of an array.

These functions are designed to operate on arrays of any shape or size, making them ideal for scientific and engineering applications.

NumPy provides the following ufunc trigonometric functions:

sin(x)Compute the sine of x, where x is in radians.
cos(x)Compute the cosine of x, where x is in radians.
tan(x)Compute the tangent of x, where x is in radians.
arcsin(x)Compute the inverse sine of x, where x is in radians.
arccos(x)Compute the inverse cosine of x, where x is in radians.
arctan(x)Compute the inverse tangent of x, where x is in radians.

In addition to these functions, NumPy also provides hyperbolic trigonometric functions such as sinh, cosh, and tanh.

To use NumPy ufunc trigonometric functions, you need to import the NumPy library and call the desired function with the input array as a parameter.

For example, the following code computes the sine value of 60 degrees:


import numpy as npy mrx = npy.sin(npy.pi/3) # pi/3 is equal to 60 degrees print(mrx)

Check out the sine value of pi/6:


import numpy as npy mrx = npy.sin(npy.pi/6) # pi/6 is equal to 30 degrees print(mrx)

Insert the values in angle_arr array, then compute the sine value of each value:


import numpy as npy angle_arr = npy.array([npy.pi/2, npy.pi/3, npy.pi/4, npy.pi/5, npy.pi/6, npy.pi/7]) mrx = npy.sin(angle_arr) print(mrx)

Provide negative angles in the below array, then check its sine value:


import numpy as npy neg_angle_arr = npy.array([npy.pi/-2, npy.pi/-3, npy.pi/-4, npy.pi/-5, npy.pi/-6, npy.pi/-7]) mrx = npy.sin(neg_angle_arr) print(mrx)

As a default, it is assumed that all of the trigonometric functions accept radians as parameters, but with Numpy Ufunc trigonometric functions it is also possible to change radians to degrees as well as vice versa.

Reminder: The value of radians is defined as pi/180 * degree_values.

Utilizing the below angle_arr array, transform all of the values to radians by implementing the deg2rad() function:


import numpy as npy angle_arr = npy.array([30, 45, 90, 180, 270, 360]) mrx = npy.deg2rad(angle_arr) print(mrx)

Change all the negative angles to radians:


import numpy as npy neg_angle_arr = npy.array([-30, -45, -90, -180, -270, -360]) mrx = npy.deg2rad(neg_angle_arr) print(mrx)

Utilizing the following angle_arr array, Change all of the values to degrees by implementing the rad2deg() function:


import numpy as npy angle_arr = npy.array([npy.pi/6, npy.pi/4, npy.pi/2, npy.pi/1, npy.pi*1.5, npy.pi*2]) mrx = npy.rad2deg(angle_arr) print(mrx)

Transform all the negative angles to degrees:


import numpy as npy angle_arr = npy.array([npy.pi/-6, npy.pi/-4, npy.pi/-2, npy.pi/-1, npy.pi*(-1.5), npy.pi*(-2)]) mrx = npy.rad2deg(angle_arr) print(mrx)

It is possible to find angles from the values of sine, cosine, and tan. For example, the inverses of sin, cos, and tan (arcsin, arccos, arctan).

Numpy Ufunc trigonometric functions arcsin(), arccos(), and arctan() produce radian values for the respective sin, cos, and tan values.

Implement the arcsin() function, then identify the angle of 0.5 in radians:


import numpy as npy mrx = npy.arcsin(0.5) print(mrx)

Apply arccos() function in the following example:


import numpy as npy mrx = npy.arccos(0) print(mrx)

Angles of Each Value in Arrays

Take the range_array, compute the angle for every cosine value:


import numpy as npy range_arr = npy.array([-1, 0.2, 0.75, 1]) mrx = npy.arccos(range_arr) print(mrx)

In the following array of tangent values, calculate the angle for each value


import numpy as npy range_arr = npy.array([-1, 0.2, 0.75, 1]) mrx = npy.arctan(range_arr) print(mrx)


Through NumPy’s Pythagoras theorem, we can identify hypotenues.

In NumPy, there is a function called hypot() that takes the base and perpendicular values and computes the hypotenues depending on Pythagoras’ theorem.

For 7 base and 5 perpendicular, calculate the hypotenuses as follows:


import numpy as npy base = 7 perp = 5 mrx = npy.hypot(base, perp) print(mrx)

Utilize the hypot() function to compute hypotenues of base 44 and perpendicular 33:


import numpy as npy base = 44 perp = 33 mrx = npy.hypot(base, perp) print(mrx)

Example Explanation

First, two variables base and perp are defined with values 44 and 33, respectively, which represent the lengths of the base and perpendicular sides of the triangle.

Next, the hypot() function from the numpy library is called with arguments base and perp, which calculates the length of the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle.

The calculated value of the hypotenuse is then assigned to a new variable mrx.

Numpy Ufunc Trigonometric Importance

NumPy ufunc trigonometric functions are of great importance to the scientific and engineering communities.

These functions provide an efficient way to perform mathematical computations involving trigonometric functions on arrays. This is especially important when working with large datasets that require complex mathematical operations.

One of the key benefits of using ufunc trigonometric functions is that they are optimized to work with arrays of any size or shape. This means that you can perform the same operation on multiple values at once, which can greatly improve the speed and efficiency of your code.

Additionally, ufunc trigonometric functions can be combined with other NumPy functions to perform even more complex operations.

For example, you can use NumPy’s array creation functions to create a grid of values, and then apply a ufunc trigonometric function to compute the sine or cosine of each value in the grid. This can be useful for tasks such as creating visualizations or generating simulation data.

NumPY ufunc trigonometric functions are an important tool for scientists and engineers who need to work with complex mathematical models. By providing efficient and accurate methods for computing trigonometric functions on arrays, NumPy enables researchers to focus on developing and testing their models rather than worrying about the computational details.






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