Python Comments – How to comment lines?

Python comments are essential to write easy-to-understand and maintainable code.

Comments in Python are used to explain the code, add context, or disable code temporarily.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Python comments.

Python Single Line Comments

A single-line comment starts with a hash symbol # and extends until the end of the line.

Anything written after the hash symbol on the same line is ignored by the Python interpreter.

Here’s an example:


#This is your first example of putting a comment in python. print("Above line will be ignore in execution.")

Here Is another example:


print("This is a second example of putting a comment in python.") #Python comment starts from here and it will be ignore in execution.

There is no need for a comment to explain the code. Python can also avoid executing code with a comment:


#print("This line will not execute while python code execution.") print("You Got it!")

Python Multiple Lines Comments

Multi-line comments are used when you need to write a longer comment or add documentation to the code.

In Python, there is no dedicated syntax for multi-line comments. However, you can achieve this by adding a hash symbol at the beginning of each line of the comment.

Here’s an example:


#Multiple lines are #involve to comment #use python comment. print("You Got it!")

You can also use a multiline string, which is not exactly as intended.

Python Comments Docstrings

In Python, docstrings are used to document the functions, modules, and classes.

Docstrings are enclosed in triple-quotes, and they can span over multiple lines.

Whenever you use a string literal outside of a variable, Python ignores it.

Instead, place your comment inside a multiline string (triple quotes):


""" Comments with three times quotes will ignore output for entire text. """ print("Yes, You Got it!")

Python will read the string without assigning it to a variable, and the multiline comment will be ignored.

Python Comments Benefits

Here are some benefits of using comments in Python:

  • Comments help to explain complex code blocks in a more understandable way. By adding comments to your code, you can provide a clear understanding of what the code is doing, making it easier for other developers to read and modify your code.
  • Comments can help in the debugging process by providing insight into the thought process behind the code. This can help you identify and fix errors more quickly and efficiently.
  • Comments can facilitate collaboration among developers by making the code more accessible and easier to understand. When multiple developers are working on the same codebase, comments can help everyone stay on the same page and understand each other’s changes.
  • Comments can also serve as documentation for your code. By providing a detailed explanation of what the code is doing, you can create a reference guide for future developers who may need to modify or update your code.
  • Comments can make code easier to maintain over time. As code evolves and changes over time, comments can help ensure that it remains clear and understandable, reducing the risk of errors and making it easier to update and modify the code as needed.


In this article, we have discussed everything you need to know about Python comments. Comments are essential to write maintainable and easy-to-understand code. You can use single-line comments, multi-line comments, docstrings, and disabling code using comments in Python.

Now you know how to comment single and multiple lines in python.

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