Python Global Variables – What Are They?

Python variables global are explored in this chapter with examples, which we hope will meet learning objectives.

Python Variables Global

Python variables global are variables introduced outside of a function (as in the examples below).

Global variables are those variables that can be used by anyone, whether inside or outside of a function.

You can assign Python variables global outside a function and call them within it:


a = "owner"def myfunc(): print("Elon Musk is a Twitter " + a)myfunc()

Since we are discussing global variables here, if you declare a variable with the same name within a function, it will be local. This means that it can only be called from within a function. Variables with the same name and original value will remain as they were.

Assign the global variable the equivalent name inside the function:


a = "perfect" def myfunc(): a = "informative" print("MrExamples is " + a) myfunc() print("MrExamples is " + a)

Global Keyword

The variables you write in a function are normally local variables, and can only be called from within the function.

You can insert the global keyword inside a function to declare a global variable.

Using the global keyword places the variable in global scope:


def myfunc(): global a a = "Perfect" myfunc() print("MrExamples is " + a)

In addition, you can adjust a global variable inside a function by specifying the global keyword.

If you want to modify the value of a global variable, you will have to refer to the variable with the global keyword


a= "Accurate" def myfunc(): global a a = "Perfect" myfunc()print("MrExamples is " + a)

Python Global Variables Advantages

Here are some advantages of global variables:

  • Global variables are accessible from any part of your code, including different functions, modules, or classes. This makes them convenient for sharing data across different parts of your program without the need for passing variables as function arguments or using other mechanisms for data transfer.
  • Global variables allow you to centralize the storage of shared or commonly used data in one place. This can simplify data management and avoid redundant or duplicate variable declarations in multiple functions or modules.
  • Global variables can be useful for storing configuration values or settings that need to be accessed throughout your program. For example, you may have global variables to hold database connection details, API keys, or application-specific settings. Modifying these variables in one place can affect the behavior of your entire program, providing a convenient way to control the program’s overall configuration.
  • Global variables can be easily modified or updated from any part of your program. This can be advantageous when you need to change the value of a variable in multiple places simultaneously, as you only need to modify it in one location.
  • Global variables can simplify coding in certain scenarios, particularly for small or simple programs. They eliminate the need for passing variables between functions or managing complex data structures, making the code more straightforward and easier to understand.


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