String Concatenation In Python

String concatenation is one of the most common operations in programming. There are several ways for Python strings concatenate. We’re about to examine the various methods of concatenating strings in Python.

Python Strings Concatenate

String concatenation can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Utilizing the + operator.
  2. By using the join() method.
  3. Applying the % operator.
  4. Formatting with the format() function.
  5. Utilizing f-string. (Literal String Interpolation)


Utilizing The + Operator

Concatenating strings is as simple as it gets. Using the + operator, two strings can be concatenated or merged.

Create a variable “z” by merging variables “x” and “y“:


x = "Elon" y = "Musk" z = x + y print(z)

A space can be added between them by adding a space between double quotes ” “:


m = "Elon" r = "Musk" e = m + " " + r print(e)

When it comes to numbers, the + character serves as a mathematical operator as follows:

A space can be added between them by adding a space between double quotes ” “:


m = 2 r = 2 print(m + r)

Python will throw an error if you concatenate a string with a number:


m = 4 r = "Elon" print(m + r)

Using % Operator

We can format strings using the % operator, and concatenate strings too. You can use it to combine strings and apply simple formatting.


mr = 'Mr' ex = 'Examples' am = "%s %s" % (mr, ex)print('String Concatenation using % Operator =', am)am = "%s %s Learn Python – %d" % (mr, ex, 1234) print('String combined through % Operator with Formatting =', am)

Utilizing join() function

The join() function can be called to concatenate strings with separators. We apply it when we have a set of strings, such as a list or tuple.

You can apply the join() function with an empty string if you don’t want a separator.


mr = 'Mr' ex = 'Examples' print('Strings combined through join () =', "".join([mr, ex])) print('Strings combined through join () and whitespaces =', " ".join([mr, ex]))

Tip: Check out our article – how to install an updated version of Python on Windows | Linux and Mac Operating systems.

Using f-string

f-string is also available for string concatenation in versions running Python 3.6 and above.

PEP 498 — Literal String Interpolation — provided a new standard for formatting strings.

When compared to Python’s format() method, writing an f-string is far more streamlined and straightforward.

When an object is substituted for a field, the str() method is also invoked.


mr = 'Mr' ex = 'Example' am = f'{mr} {ex}' print('String combined through f-string =', am) name = 'Elon' age = 51 d = Data(7) print(f'{name} age is {age} and d={d}')

Using format() function

There is also a function named string format() that can be used for string concatenation and formatting.


mr = 'Mr' ex = 'Examples' am = "{}-{}".format(mr, ex) print('String combined through format() =', am)am = "{in1} {in2}".format(in1=mr, in2=ex) print('String combined through format() =', am)
Please note: This example will only work with Python version 3.6 and above. If you are seeing the error message “name ‘Data‘ is not defined” it means you need to install an updated version of Python. You have now finished comprehending Python strings concatenate.

Python String Concatenation Advantages

Here are some advantages of using string concatenation in Python:

  1. String concatenation allows you to construct strings dynamically by combining different components. This is particularly useful when you need to create strings based on variables or user input. By concatenating strings with variable values or expressions, you can generate customized output or construct complex messages with ease.
  2. Using string concatenation can improve the readability and organization of your code. Instead of writing long, complex strings with embedded variables or expressions, you can break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes the code more readable and easier to understand, especially when dealing with complex string construction.
  3. String concatenation provides flexibility when it comes to string formatting. While Python offers various formatting options like f-strings and the format() method, string concatenation allows you to mix and match different string components and expressions. This can be advantageous in scenarios where you need more control over the formatting or want to include specific separators or delimiters.
  4. String concatenation using the + operator has been a standard practice in Python for a long time and is compatible with older Python versions. If you are working with legacy code or need to ensure compatibility with older Python environments, using string concatenation instead of newer string formatting methods may be beneficial.
  5. String concatenation is useful when you want to append new content to an existing string. Instead of creating a new string each time, you can concatenate the new content to the existing string. This can be more efficient in terms of memory usage and performance, especially when dealing with large strings or in scenarios where repeated concatenation is required.
  6. String concatenation allows you to combine strings with other data types, such as integers or floats, without the need for explicit type conversions. This can be helpful when generating output or constructing strings that include numeric values or other data types.
  7. String concatenation is a simple and straightforward approach to combining strings, and it is a concept that programmers are generally familiar with. It requires minimal additional syntax or special formatting rules, making it easy to grasp and use.
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