User Input In Python

Python user input are discussed in this article with examples, In the aim of achieving your learning goals.

Python User Input

When it comes to Python user input. User input is allowed in Python – Therefore, we can request input from the user.

As compared to Python 2.7, Python 3.6 has a slightly different method.

Python 3.6 supports the input() method.

Python 2.7 supports the raw_input() method.

In the following example, you are asked for your username and the username appears on the screen when you enter it:

Python 3.6 Example: 

mrx_username = input("Enter name here: ")print("Your name is: " + mrx_username)

Another Py 3.6 Example: 

mrx_number = int(input("Enter number here: "))print("Number:",mrx_number)

Python 2.7 Example: 

mrx_username = raw_input("Enter name here: ")print("Your name is: " + mrx_username)

When Python reaches the input() function, it stops executing, and continues after the user enters a value.

Python User Input Benefits

Below are some benefits of using user input in Python:

  1. User input allows your program to adapt its behavior based on user preferences or requirements. By accepting input from users, you can make your program more interactive and customizable, providing a personalized experience.
  2. User input enables you to collect data from users for various purposes. You can prompt users for information such as names, addresses, preferences, or any other relevant data needed for your program to perform its tasks.
  3. User input can be used to configure and customize program settings. By prompting users for their preferences or options, you can adjust the behavior of your program accordingly. This allows users to tailor the program to their specific needs.
  4. User input can be used to make decisions within the program. By asking users for choices or options, you can implement branching logic and control the flow of your program based on the user’s input.
  5. User input can be validated to ensure it meets certain criteria or constraints. You can check the input for correct data types, range limitations, or specific formats. If the input does not meet the requirements, appropriate error handling can be implemented to prompt the user for correct input or display error messages.
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