Random Permutations In NumPy

In this article, we will examine NumPy random permutation in detail. We will discuss what the function does, how it works, and how it can be used in Python programming.

What is NumPy Random Permutation?

NumPy random permutation is a function used to randomly permute an array or sequence in Python.

The NumPy random permutation function is based on the Fisher-Yates algorithm, also known as the Knuth shuffle.

This algorithm works by iterating over the elements in the array or sequence and swapping each element with a randomly selected element in the array or sequence.

It can be used with a wide range of input types, including arrays, lists, and tuples.

NumPy Random Permutations of Elements

Numpy random permutation corresponds to a sequence of items.

As an example, [10, 9, 8, 7] is a permutation of [7, 8, 9, 10].

NumPy Random offers two methods for performing this: shuffle() and permutation().

NumPy Shuffling Arrays

Modifying the position of items in place is called shuffle. In other words, in the array itself.

In the following game_arr array, shuffle the items at random:


from numpy import random import numpy as npy game_arr = npy.array(["rock", "paper", "scissor"]) random.shuffle(game_arr) print(game_arr)

NumPy Random Permutations

Shake elements of the array num_arr randomly:


from numpy import random import numpy as npy num_arr = npy.array(["prime", "composite", "real", "imaginary", "rational", "even", "odd"]) random.shuffle(num_arr) print(num_arr)

A modification is applied to the original array when it is shuffled.

Generating Arrays Permutation

The items of the even_arr array will be randomly permuted as follows:


from numpy import random import numpy as npy even_arr = npy.array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8]) print(random.permutation(even_arr))

Create a random permutation of the items in the following odd_arr array:


from numpy import random import numpy as npy odd_arr = npy.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) print(random.permutation(odd_arr))

Permutation() produces a modified array (and keeps the original array unmodified).


NumPy random permutation is a valuable function for data manipulation and analysis in Python.

It can be used in a variety of applications, including machine learning, data science, and numerical simulations.

By understanding how the function works and how to use it in your Python code, you can take advantage of the power and versatility of the NumPy library for your data analysis projects.

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